Property Development Planning Law


Often an application to council can take longer than you may have anticipated. You may simply not be happy with the decision that council has made about your development, or likewise matters that go before the planning panel.

When you are not getting answers, talk to the real people at Auslex Law Group. We offer real answers and expert advice.

We have experienced lawyers that can assist you with every step of the process together with a panel of town planners.

Dr Accoto, together with former head lawyer of a Local Council, Ian Lacy Special Counsel, head up the Land & Environment Court practice at Auslex.

Whatever size your project, from a residential home to a block of apartments and more, we have the expertise to carry you throughout the process.

We aim to resolve matters with council and other relevant authorities, without the need to litigate. If that process does not achieve the desired outcome, we have the skills and expertise to take your matter through the court process.

We can advise you from the outset, even before you buy the property you wish to develop. We can assist you with the due diligence process.

We can assist you in trying to get more out of your development. We can add value to your development in properly assessing your development and adopting the best possible strategy so as to achieve the best possible outcome. For example, we might be able to assist you in getting more on your property which will ultimately lead to a greater yield and overall value.

We also have a real estate section that is licenced to sell property. (Auslex Property Group). That is a useful addition to our team as it enables developers in particular to keep their entire project in house; from the get-go, to being assisted with the sale of their properties through our network. We also have our conveyancing department Auslex Conveyancing that can handle all of the transactions.

We’d love to meet and talk to you.

Dr Dion Accoto
Barrister & Solicitor / Professor
of Business Leadership

Dr Dion Accoto, Barrister & Solicitor, was admitted to the practice of law in the late 1990’s. He started working in the law some 30 years ago.

He passed the New South Wales Bar exams in 2000, in practise as a Barrister for many years thereafter.

Alexandra Lalic
Practice Manage and PA
to the Directors
Alexandra Lalic joined our team in 2022 as a Practice Manager and PA to the Directors. Alexandra has a background in business systems administration and provides clients with professional and confidential customer service.